Kappa Sigma
“Not for a Day, or an Hour, or a College Term only, but for Life.”
Joining Kappa Sigma provides one with a college career filled with a strong sense of brotherhood, growth through service and leadership, and the creation of lifelong friendships. Additionally, you will join a network of 320 chapters, comprised of over 220,000 members across North America. Kappa Sigma is focused on the four pillars of FELLOWSHIP, LEADERSHIP, SCHOLARSHIP and SERVICE.
About Kappa Sigma
The Kappa Sigma Fraternity can trace its roots back to a secret society of students at the University of Bologna formed in the year 1400 for mutual protection of its members. The group was initially brought together by Manuel Chrysaloras, a Greek scholar that taught at the University, in response to the physical attack, robbery, and harassment of the University's patrons. It was this group that inspired the Ritual and beliefs of modern day Kappa Sigma.
Wicked Woods
The money that is raised from this event goes towards our national philanthropy, the Military Heroes Campaign. This campaign honors and aids thousands of military veterans and their families in communities throughout the U.S. and has donated nearly $500,000 since it began in 2007. In addition we offer discounts at the door with the donation of can food goods, all of which are donated to the Brazos Valley Food Bank to help support our local community.